
Showing posts from August, 2017


FYBCA  ASSIGNMENT Q1 Write 3 Paragraphs on Internet in MS Word and Do Following. 1)    Apply Page Border. 2)    Apply 1.5 line spacing in all paragraph. 3)    Split 3 rd Paragraph in to 3 columns. 4)    Apply Drop Cap effect in second paragraph. 5)    Insert Image behind the First Paragraph. 6)    Apply Header and Footer. 7)    Apply Protection to your document. 8)    Apply proper water mark. Q2 Perform the following a)    The first document displays FYBCA students information as Seat No., Name, Father Name, Address, City, Phone, Email( Input data at least 5 records) Apply proper formatting. Use Table to store data. Apply link on student Seat No with his/ her mark sheet in the second document. b)    In the second document, prepare all students mark sheet for FYBCA using table      Apply proper formatting E...


FYBCA-ASSIGNMENT-SEM-1 Assignment – 1                                                       Assignment Date: 21/8/2017 Subject: CPPM                                                      Submission Date: Questions: 1. Write a C program to interchange value of two numbers using third variable. 2. Write a C program to convert degree to radians. (Formula: degree=π/180) 3. Write a C program to input quantity and price of an item and display total Rs. on screen. Also input discount (...


UNIX ASSIGNMENT-3 Tutorial-3 Subject : Unix shell programming Duration: 60 Min    1. write a command to display content of top 3 largest file in a working directory. 2. Count no. of words in lines 40 through 60 of file f1.txt. 3. Display all filenames not beginning with “.”. 4. delete all special characters from file x1. 5. Display i-node no of all files of current directory. 6. Display those lines of file f1 that contains exactly 50 characters in it. 7. Replace 'hello' with “HELLO” in input file and write those lines to output file 8. extract all username and their home directory form /etc/passwd file. 9. Locate lines of file where the second and second last character of the lines are same. 10. Display all lines of files that contains “hello” pattern in it. 11. Display all lines having “g*” pattern in it. 12. Change modification time of file to Dec 25, 10:30 AM. 13. List all files of working directory having at least 4 characters in filename. 14. Execute a comm...


UNIX ASSIGNMENT-2 Tutorial-2 Subject : Unix shell programming Duration: 60 Min 1. list the content of currrent directory having file names as number. 2. display the filename containing only alphabats as a names. 3. remove all files containing digit as the 2nd latter as their names. 4. create the file named " asd[0-9]". 5. copy the content of file c- to c1,c2,c3. 6. display the date in the following format e.g. "Today's date is : Sat Jul 30 15:25:31 IST 2011" 7. compare 2 files named sc1, sc2 and store the common content in file result. 8. find how many number of lines from sc1 and sc2 are common. 9. display only those files containing the more then 5 character as there names ( the file names having last two characters as digit). 10. create the directory named "maxx" and copy all files having only capital letters. 11. create a file named emp* 12. make a list of employee in following order ( use vi editor ). empid  empname  post 1      abcd  ...


UNIX ASSIGNMENT-1 Tutorial-1 Subject : Unix & shell programming Duration : 35 Min 1. Display the content of current directory 2. Show calender of january 1980 3. show the current working directory. 4. Display date and time in format shown in brackets ( Sun June 19,11:40PM ) 5. Display the below pattern with echo command   \  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6. Execute a command to know the kernel version of operating system you are working on 7. Execute a command to know your terminal 8. Execute a command to identify all executables in current working directory. 9. Display a sorted list of files by last access time. 10. create five files named f1 to f5. 11. copy the content of f1 and f2 into f3. 12. display all files from current directory having first and last character as number. 13. display the list of all file names that contains only 3 latters. 14. create a file named "-abc" in current working directory. 15. count the number of characters of file "-abc". 16. rename file ...