SHRI SHAMBHUBHAI V. PATEL COLLEGE OF C. S. & B. M. F.Y.B.C.A (SECOND SEMESTER) PRACTICAL ASSIGNMENT-I FYBCA SEM 2 C ASSIGNMENT-I 2018 1) Write a program to generate all possible combination of string for a given string. E.g. Input “surat” O/p: surat, urats, ratsu, atsur, tsura. 2) Write a program to read a sentence (containing blank spaces) and display it in toggle case. 3) Write a program to read a sentence. Count the number of capital letter, small letters , special characters and numbers. 4) Write a program to check whether given string is palindrome or not. 5) Write a program to do the following on a given string. I/p: patel shiv kumar O/p: patel shiv kumar 6) Write a program which will read a string and rewrite it in the alphabetical order. For ex:- input=”string” output= “ginrst” Click Here to Download Fybca Assignment 2018